Barbara still remembers the impression the Duomo of Milan, her hometown, had on her as a toddler. In summer school at age 15, she answered the question “what would you like to do for a living?” with a resounding “be a Medieval art historian!” and, in her 20s, she used to seek out quiet meditative spaces in the Medieval art museum.
As she grew, Barbara also became interested in contemporary art, with the conceptual as well as the medieval, noticing that both follow a similar approach to reality: imagination and economy are related, perception and cosmic beliefs are interconnected. All these paradoxes are so interesting to her, as is the political essence of art, the overwhelming but silent presence of propaganda.
If Barbara had to answer now, 25 years later, she would declare herself an art historian, who a degree in Medieval Art History, and a Post-Master's in Museum Studies and Cultural Management. She has worked for more than ten years in globally known institutions, mainly focused on contemporary art. She spent few months backpacking in Greece, Turkey, and the Balkans to better understand the archeological background that she was unable to appreciate when in University, and can finally say she gets it - and she likes it.
Now, Barbara gives tours on subjects she knows from academia and loves so much that they are also her favorite hobby and the main reason she travels, visiting biennales and museums on vacation. Who was it that said “find a job you love…”?