Really excellent. Relaxed and passionate about artisanale Roman food, we learnt a great deal about Roman food especially in the Jewish ghetto area. She was an absolute delight.


Eleanora Baldwin was our tour guide and a wonderful young lady is she! Very well tutored in the area in which we walked and knowledgeable about Rome in general having basically grown up there. There were just four of us + Eleanora so keeping the group together wasn't much of a challenge -- my husband is a wanderer so that was my problem... The various merchants knew her, liked her and [I think] gave her special attention and favor -- always nice for the attendees! She even got a smile fr. a lady behind the counter at the Jewish bakery which she had told us was notoriously firm, even grim + no client kindness. If anything as a recommendation, I would say a call to the hotel of your client [should you know it..] to advise and remind would be nice. I'm generally pretty good w. directions in an unfamiliar city and yours were on point. Perhaps an amt. of time to walk fr. a close and noted Piazza would have been helpful -- we were dropped at Piazza Venezia and I didn't really allow enough time to get to Il Gelato. We all enjoyed Eleanora -- she was cheerful, enthusiastic and showed us the BEST of sev. places in Rome that we would have missed + advice on things that helped everyone's appreciation of this great city.


I really enjoyed the historical input mixed with the food. Plus our docent was super nice and made the entire half a day super pleasant.
