Gabby was knowledgeable and charming.


Gaby was extremely knowledgeable and friendly. The time flew by and improved my entire vacation with all I learned.


Gabriela is a gifted story-teller. It's very important to have that in your mind when you are touring with her because - in truth - there is an incredible amount of Jewish life in Buenos Aires and never enough time to see it. What Gabriela does is feed you chunks of it that are spread out evenly throughout your tour, interspersing the history of the city's architecture/landmarks and the tales behind them along the way. The end result is a memorable film that replays in your head of the tragedy, whimsy, and vibrance of Jewish life (and life in general) in Argentina. And Gabriela, herself, is the perfect guide for folks like us: she has a bubbly personality keeps your spirits up while telling it all like it is, despite the caveats that she gives before taking a single step! All of this makes both she and the experience she gives you authentic. I wanted to mention the most memorable part of the tour: when she simply brought us into a local textile merchant's shop and introduced us to him. It's one thing to show someone a synagogue and explain how Jewish life began and spread, but it's another thing to take us to a kind, elderly Jewish man who told us where he came from (from his unrehearsed perspective) and what it was like for him to grow up here - telling us personal stories along the way. Because, even though we've always adapted to our environment and woven ourselves into the cultural fabric of whatever society we happen to be living in, when it comes to "Jewish life" it always boils down to the individuals - the separate threads - that make our cultural fabric even more special.
