Extremely knowledgeable about the D- Day battle, the area, and WW II overall . Appreciated the comments about the impacts of the occupation, battle and war on the French, British, and American troops. Trip was well run, and got to see quite a bit in a day. Very much appreciated the visit to the US memorial and cemetery and being able to see the lowering of the flag while taps was played. Very much brought the history into perspective. Had a great time at lunch outside next to the harbor on an beautiful sunny day. All in all ...a wonderful experience.
William Jordan was not only Incredibly knowledgeable, he was also able to engage our children and to keep them focused. The sites we saw were amazing but I feel if we had tried to visit on our own none of us would have gotten as much out of it. His notebooks and background material were superb and we enjoyed getting the chance to peruse as we drove to the different sites. The notebook that geared ww2 to a child's perspective was very well thought out. Many thanks to William!
William was so knowledgable and passionate about this aspect of history. He was terrific.